Thursday, May 14, 2009

I got SMACKED Section

Hey ya Sharks,

The sentiment is clear...the smell of hatred and animosity are all on the Sharks. That's the price we have have to pay for our sweet back to back CHAMP status. Oh Yeah baby it's BACK to BACK...

I'm sure some of us have had the experience of being cornered in the office an almost got stripped for wearing the Mighty Yellow Tees, death threats, curses, yelled at, hurled with 4 letter words and many more unimaginable stuff. Worry not my comrades for that's the sign of Greatness!

I for one got SMACKED on the shoulder by a small, tiny and feisty esPilonian (This misspelling is intended) while having my tea break when she knew I was a Sharkster. She was telling her associate how she hated KAPPA for being, in her own words, "Belagak Gile!", and went berserk when I interrupted and told her associate, "as champ we earned that right and we are excercising it to the max". That's KAPPA...we go all out or die trying...

This gave me an idea. Let's compile all the experiences and publish it... With great Awesomeness Comes Great Animosity .... hahaha...


  1. Great Idea. Lots of experiences by different Sharks. Lets hear 'em!

  2. like i said to them....

    "waaaaa pedulikkk apa lu nak ckp...LOSERRRR! " hahahaha...


Yo Shark! Have your say.
And to all the haters, don't even bother. DELETE.