Many responded to my message on our beloved colleague, so it is clear that so many
people in KAPPA care about Joanna. It is also clear that the majority wish to respect her wish to be left alone, so the decision is NOT to send anything to her at this time.
Will.I Am (the one with the camera) is no longer here in MDeC, but you can always check him out on his blog http://williamleong.blogspot.com/
Some Sharks are movin’ on up: KONGRATS goes to Hasnul

and Jayaraman
(later I load the picture)
on their promotions! (I’m sure I’ve missed out some more– please add on) Bile nak blanja?
Two updates on the KAPPA blog:
Ø How I know I’m a KAPPA- http://kappasharks.blogspot.com/2009/05/how-i-know-i-am-kappa.html
Ø Goodbye Fellow Sharks! by William - http://kappasharks.blogspot.com/2009/06/goodbye-fellow-sharks-will-be-swimming.html
ACTIVITIES that you can join in TODAY 12 June 2009:
Social Basketball – organized by Shark Andi Suswandi, a group from all over MDeC (from all houses – how generous of us) have been playing ball every Friday from about 5.30pm at the basketball court in the Sports Arena – near the SME building. Players are mainly newbies, never played bball before, and a few seasoned kakis who provide pointers. It’s a lot of fun and you can really sewat it out. ALL WELCOME.
Poco-poco – organized by my favourite Shark, Emma, a group of ladies (again so baik KAPPA ni, ajak semua rumah) have been poco-pocoing on Fridays during Rec Hour in Rebung. I’m not sure if it’s on today, but contact Emma directly to get involved. Never pocopocoed before? Nows the time! Some background
Activities coming soon!!
MDeC KARAOKE COMPETITION – singers wanted! Interested, reply to me. Let’s get together for a *practice session* (any excuse is a good excuse for k-oke!)
Cyberjaya Basketball competition – I’m forming the MDeC team, and need players. Get back to me ASAP! Or better yet, show up on the courts today.
Cyberjaya Ping-Pong competition – can you hit the ball like Forest Gump? Let me know, I’ll hook you up with the team captain.
Have a great weekend!
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