Thursday, August 27, 2009


Bulan puasa is back. So many things to be thankful for:

  1. Shorter work day :)
  2. Less food bill (especially kalau dapat jemputan buka puasa)
  3. Spiritual regeneration
  4. Weight loss
  5. Shorter work day :)

I hope all of you benefit this Ramadhaan. Even if you don't observe this month, try it out! Your KAPPA buddies would be happy to help you out if its your first time. You may be pleasantly surprised that going without food, drink and sex all day can be pretty liberating :P [Hey, you're fasting! Don't think about sex! There you go again! Stop it! No sex!! Can't do it can you, you fiend.]

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, lets start planning what we normally plan here in KAPPA: let's PARRRRRTTTAAAYYY!! Need volunteers to help plan and implement our annual KAPPA RAYA party. Let's set a date, send out invites and get it done!



Friday, August 7, 2009

Health Awareness Day : Sign up as KAPPA please..


What you need to do:

1. Go to Rebung anytime between 10am and 5pm on Monday August 10 2009. (Hot tip: Go early – lots of great door gifts, but first come first served.)

2. Make sure you register as KAPPA!

3. Listen, learn and ask questions

4. Donate blood if you can. (Ramadhaan is critical time for all blood banks as the number of donors drop drastically)

I am actually on leave on Monday to spend quality time with my family and celebrate my 31st birthday J Yahoo! (ok, give or take a few years.. ok decade)BUT, I will make the time from my busy schedule and drag my family all the way from my home which is sooooooo far away from the office to come and donate blood. And represent KAPPA!

The house with the most participants gets a prize. And who gets the most prizes? KAPPA

Be there!

Message by Kapitan