Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bravo KAPPA!

Peace to you,
Man, that really felt good. I mean seriously, the feeling was better than winning inter-house games, karaoke competition, telematch, and house performance COMBINED! You should be proud that you have collectively and individually made the lives af at least 7 people better this month, through your contributions. May you be rewarded generously for your generosity.

The event was a short and sweet one in front of Elderman Niran's office. Elderman Wan Peng was there to grace the occassion as well as a few inspired and inspiring Sharks.
  1. Kappitan recited a short du'a

  2. Elderman WP and NN handed out the goodie bags which contained: AngPow (RM100 each), 1 T-Shirt, 1 jar of Kuih Raya + 1 packet of dates.

  3. Elderman NN said a few words (which was quite touching... he apologised on our behalf to KAPPA honorary members for typically not even looking at them or saying hi or thank you for keeping our office clean. He also said something about driving safely this Raya [diorang tu takde kete boss...]

  4. Group piccies

  5. The end

15 minutes well spent. Let's do this again!


ps/ thanks Elderman Niran for pointing out that we are on the home stretch of Ramadhan.. the last 10 nights. What the big deal about the last ten nights? Check it out here or here.

more pics here

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Bulan puasa is back. So many things to be thankful for:

  1. Shorter work day :)
  2. Less food bill (especially kalau dapat jemputan buka puasa)
  3. Spiritual regeneration
  4. Weight loss
  5. Shorter work day :)

I hope all of you benefit this Ramadhaan. Even if you don't observe this month, try it out! Your KAPPA buddies would be happy to help you out if its your first time. You may be pleasantly surprised that going without food, drink and sex all day can be pretty liberating :P [Hey, you're fasting! Don't think about sex! There you go again! Stop it! No sex!! Can't do it can you, you fiend.]

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, lets start planning what we normally plan here in KAPPA: let's PARRRRRTTTAAAYYY!! Need volunteers to help plan and implement our annual KAPPA RAYA party. Let's set a date, send out invites and get it done!



Friday, August 7, 2009

Health Awareness Day : Sign up as KAPPA please..


What you need to do:

1. Go to Rebung anytime between 10am and 5pm on Monday August 10 2009. (Hot tip: Go early – lots of great door gifts, but first come first served.)

2. Make sure you register as KAPPA!

3. Listen, learn and ask questions

4. Donate blood if you can. (Ramadhaan is critical time for all blood banks as the number of donors drop drastically)

I am actually on leave on Monday to spend quality time with my family and celebrate my 31st birthday J Yahoo! (ok, give or take a few years.. ok decade)BUT, I will make the time from my busy schedule and drag my family all the way from my home which is sooooooo far away from the office to come and donate blood. And represent KAPPA!

The house with the most participants gets a prize. And who gets the most prizes? KAPPA

Be there!

Message by Kapitan

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2009 Karaoke Champion Performances

So they tried to gang up on us. And the felt that, finally, this was their chance to get revenge. They couldn't do it in sports in 2007. They couldn't do it during MAD2007. They couldn't do it during this year's pseudo-sports telematch-like event. And they obviously didn't have what it takes to unseat the champs in Karaoke.

You just can't go wrong with the champs....

Billie Jean

Hanya Memuji

If you cant get enough of the live recordings, here are the official KappaIdol downloads from iTunes :P Unfortunately the duet's recordings were blocked by iTunes for being too close to the original - they thought it was ciplak. So can't upload theirs.


Click here to listen to or download Aziph's Billie Jean

Click here to listen to or download Emma's Bertakhta di Hati
ps/ weren't the judges too harsh on Emma? They went easy on people who obviously couldn't sing, but suddenly with Emma the thought they were on American Idol?

And finally, who else can celebrate / party like KAPPA can? NOBODY!! Just look at the joy in everyone's faces when announced that KAPPA is the BEST HOUSE!! What was also funny is how quickly the room was cleared by all the non-Sharks in da house! Haha


We Are The Champions My Friends...

pss: where in the world did they kutip this Emcee? "Kappas, OK, Kappas is the winners OK? OK, are you enjoys? So sorry for Mus, Epsilons, OK, Deltas, OK, but Kappas wons OK!"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

MDeC Got Talent But Kappa #1

Words can't describe how fierce the competition was. But Glory Glory KAPPA!

Congratulations to all Kappa Singers!!! Kappa #1

Friday, June 19, 2009

Inter House Karaoke Competition

OI Kappa Mau!

When ever the words “Inter-House” and “Competition” come together in one sentence, KAPPA sits up and pays attention.

I went to a meeting on the above yesterday. As soon as the Chairman of the meeting, Mssr President MSRC, allowed me to speak, I said the following: “Are you sure you guys want to compete? You know Kappa’s gonna sweep all the awards anyway!” The non-Sharks in the room weren’t too happy with my pronouncement :) *taking a bow*

Whatever the case, Kappa will, with our usual flair and impeccable style, get organized and come together to pick our singing warriors to REPRESENT [for correct pronounciation of this word, refer to Hasnul K] our venerable house. We are looking for:

1. 2 solo singers

2. 1 group of 2 – 5 people

3. some people for a “united” house performance for the selingan (I propose Adly as he is one of the best hated Sharks around :))

In order to do the selection for 1 and 2 above (3 is strictly voluntary – whoever wants to do it, just let me know) we will have our own KAPPA Idol Singathon and Party as follows:

Date: 26 June 2009 (Friday)

Time: 4.30 – 7pm

Venue: Arena of Bunga Raya Stars


1. Whoever wants to sing, email Yasmin by 25 June 2009 to register.

2. Come to the Party WITH your own Karaoke CD

3. Sing and perform your hearts out

4. The rest of KAPPA who comes to witness the KAPPA Idol Singathon will get a chance to vote immediately after the singers finish singing via a judging form which will be circulated on that day.

5. The Sharks (2 solo and 1 group) with the highest scores go on to REPRESENT Kappa!!

Easy, Simple and a whole lotta FUN.

Go home, give your spouses/life partners some good earplugs, and start practising!!


Friday, June 12, 2009

KAPPA UPDATE as at Friday 12/6/2009 - you can join in TODAY!

(Retracted from email update from de Kapitan)


Many responded to my message on our beloved colleague, so it is clear that so many
people in KAPPA care about Joanna. It is also clear that the majority wish to respect her wish to be left alone, so the decision is NOT to send anything to her at this time.

Will.I Am (the one with the camera) is no longer here in MDeC, but you can always check him out on his blog

Some Sharks are movin’ on up: KONGRATS goes to Hasnul

and Jayaraman

(later I load the picture)

on their promotions! (I’m sure I’ve missed out some more– please add on) Bile nak blanja?

Two updates on the KAPPA blog:

Ø How I know I’m a KAPPA-

Ø Goodbye Fellow Sharks! by William -

ACTIVITIES that you can join in TODAY 12 June 2009:

Social Basketball – organized by Shark Andi Suswandi, a group from all over MDeC (from all houses – how generous of us) have been playing ball every Friday from about 5.30pm at the basketball court in the Sports Arena – near the SME building. Players are mainly newbies, never played bball before, and a few seasoned kakis who provide pointers. It’s a lot of fun and you can really sewat it out. ALL WELCOME.
Poco-poco – organized by my favourite Shark, Emma, a group of ladies (again so baik KAPPA ni, ajak semua rumah) have been poco-pocoing on Fridays during Rec Hour in Rebung. I’m not sure if it’s on today, but contact Emma directly to get involved. Never pocopocoed before? Nows the time! Some background

Activities coming soon!!

MDeC KARAOKE COMPETITION – singers wanted! Interested, reply to me. Let’s get together for a *practice session* (any excuse is a good excuse for k-oke!)
Cyberjaya Basketball competition – I’m forming the MDeC team, and need players. Get back to me ASAP! Or better yet, show up on the courts today.
Cyberjaya Ping-Pong competition – can you hit the ball like Forest Gump? Let me know, I’ll hook you up with the team captain.

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

How I know I am a KAPPA...

The first week I was in MDeC..........

"Kau rumah apa?"

"Tak tau" (At that time I was wondering, we have sports house?)

"cuba kau tengok kat address book".... and that was the end of the conversation. No action from me. Not interested yet, work is very much my focused area.

A couple of months after that conversations took place...received a couple of emails with "Oi Kappa Mau!"..

I swear I thought it was like an internalcomm announcement. :P I read but with little understanding.

After some 8 months...... (Yes! I took that long! Total ignorance!)

"Kau rumah apa?"

"I think KAPPA!"

"Eeeeeee.." She said and I noticed the jealous eyes but thought it was just me.

So I asked "why?"

She answered "Nothing!You will see..."

"See what?"

And that was the end of the conversation....

Ahhhh...Now only I know.. She would have just said, "Oh KAPPA was the champion in the last sports event, way to go, you guys!" :P

Anyway, when we won again this year, the same person ignores me totally! She just didn't want to see the "KAPPA happiness", I guess.. C'monlah, it is just a game! We are still friends! :P

p/s: Btw, are we informed about the sport house and what is all about on our first day?.......I can't remember. Or maybe too much information to digest at that time.


Goodbye fellow Sharks!
Will be swimming to better waters...

I noticed the mischief of the Sharklings were not posted here before..

So now on my last day here in MDeC, I present to you..

Image Hosted by

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Image Hosted by

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Vivien tried running away.. and thus she shall suffaaaaaaaaa~!!!!

Image Hosted by

All photos taken during the car windshield victory-rampage!


Friday, May 22, 2009

The Sweet Victory of 2009

Hmm.. We have the rights to brag for at least another 1 to 2 years?...

1st. The "bragging speech" by our Alderman, En. Niran. I don't remember all that he said, but we will try very hard to let other teams have a fighting chance next time! *rolls eyes* :P.

Hmm.. Actually we have tried doing the "tangkap muat" thing this year.. Problem is...we are still winning!

Gosh! We are such big losers in "still-win-anyhow" department :P

2ndly. How many times do you think our team did the victory jump that day? And NOT ALL captured yah! So you tell me.

Yippie yai yai!

One more.

Another one.

Yet again...

And again..

We just can't help it, can we? Hehe!

Last but not least, stay winning all! Be it as a Kappaian, in your professional career or in your family, in dunya and akhiroh....Amin!

Special thanks to Lennie, Ziana, and Nazuraidah --> for your pictures contributions in this blog.. (I stole it from your FB :P Hope you guys don't mind! Thank you!)


Awesome vids from Andi and Jimmy, with award winning cinematographer Hajjah Lennie.

Any other ideas for KAPPA videos? if you have any interest to develop shorts on video, call the Kappitan.

Kappa Kasting Kall now OPEN!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Evolution of the KAPPA Shark logo


The world recognizes the KAPPA Shark logo as the coolest in the land. We must give props to MuidLatiff, designer extrodinaire for giving birth to the awesome-est logo on the planet. Shout out also to pioneer KAPPA member ED Joemin (first producer of Saladin) for bringing Muid on board. OKla also some *quiet* thanks to our sister club, the Broward Sharks basketball team for the inspiration. [google it] SHHHHHHH!

Before the professional designers came on board there were some unbelievably hideous logos that were proposed. Seriously who could come up with such ugliness? This was from early October 2006:

After we recoverd from the shock of such tastelessness, some weird dude in Kappa suggested a bear as a mascot (weird dude = Hasnul K). Come on! A bear?? WEAK! Anyway, this was the reference bear logo that was proposed on the 1st of November 2006:

Another of a Wildcat. Better than a bear. But anything is better than a bear.

Finally, after lots of hard work, some blood, sweat and tears, the final KAPPA logo was unveiled on the 3rd of November 2006 (which shall henceforth be known to all as KAPPA LOGO DAY).


Thursday, May 14, 2009

I got SMACKED Section

Hey ya Sharks,

The sentiment is clear...the smell of hatred and animosity are all on the Sharks. That's the price we have have to pay for our sweet back to back CHAMP status. Oh Yeah baby it's BACK to BACK...

I'm sure some of us have had the experience of being cornered in the office an almost got stripped for wearing the Mighty Yellow Tees, death threats, curses, yelled at, hurled with 4 letter words and many more unimaginable stuff. Worry not my comrades for that's the sign of Greatness!

I for one got SMACKED on the shoulder by a small, tiny and feisty esPilonian (This misspelling is intended) while having my tea break when she knew I was a Sharkster. She was telling her associate how she hated KAPPA for being, in her own words, "Belagak Gile!", and went berserk when I interrupted and told her associate, "as champ we earned that right and we are excercising it to the max". That's KAPPA...we go all out or die trying...

This gave me an idea. Let's compile all the experiences and publish it... With great Awesomeness Comes Great Animosity .... hahaha...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

27 September 2006 - Rising of the Houses Part 2 - KAPPA

The Rising of the Houses – Part II

Now the Signs are clear. Your Destiny is with this great house of Κ κάππα [pronounced kappa]

Your Aldermen are Alderman Wan Peng & Alderman Niran. Look to them for their wisdom and experience, for the journey may be full of obstacles that would test the most hardy of souls.

You have also been assigned members of the Council of Sports (MDeC Sports Club) who will help guide you to begin this Quest. Councilman Aziph and Senator Andi will be glad to mix up some potions and cast a few spells if at all needed.

If History is to be made, then you are the one to make it!!

As the PIONEER member of the House of KAPPA, it is up to you to define the traditions and routines that will make your house stand proud over the centuries to come.

Before this house convenes on Friday, think about the following.

The House of KAPPA
Our house colour is: ________
Our house mates are called: ______
Our house battle-cry is: _______
Our house mascot is a:_______
Our house song is: _______
Our house secret sign is: _______
Our house greeting is: ______
Our first House Captain is: ___________
Our first House Keeper of Records is: _______
Our first House Safety Officer is: _________

Come to the KAPPA congregation area NOW and talk about it, debate and select the ones you want to go with. Click on this link to be magically transported there.

So all you of the House of KAPPA, be prepared for Battle on the 25th day of November
And please be at the 3rd Floor Balcony at 3pm Friday the 29th day of September. Those absconding this gathering will be covered in tar, dipped in feathers and paraded around the town square.

Your humble servant,


“The board is set... the pieces are moving”

27 September 2006 - Rising of the Houses Part 1

The Rising of the Houses – Part I


From: Badlisham Ghazali Sent: 28 September 2006 02:05
To: Muhammad Aziph bin Dato' Mustapha
Subject: RE: The Rising of the Houses - Part 1

Very creative. Well done. I was intrigued to read on and find out what the #@**#! this was all about. I look forward in anticipation for the next episode.

Regards, Badlisham Ghazali CEO,


From: Muhammad Aziph bin Dato' Mustapha
Sent: 27 September 2006 11:05
Subject: The Rising of the Houses - Part 1

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! O good people of Μαλαισιανά Δναπτυχθείτε Κντιπροσωπεία (MDeC)
Gather round, and listen close, for History is being made at this very moment.
Four great houses have formed, each with equal strength and numbers. Each has warriors and athletes and thinkers and sages and poets of the highest calibre. Each house is led by two wise Aldermen. But only one house will reign supreme after the dust has settled on the battleground.
The only thing that separates these houses is the level of passion and spirit that runs in the veins of its people. Which house has the will to win?

The house of Μ μῦ [pronounced miu] Symbol: μ
¨ Alderman Dato’ Kanan & Alderman Dan Khoo presiding

The house of Δ δέλτα [pronounced delta] Symbol: δ
¨ Alderman Dato’ Abu & Alderman Abdullah presiding

The house of ε ἒ ψιλόν [pronounced epsilon] Symbol: ε
¨ Alderman Jagdish & Alderman Kamil presiding

The house of Κ κάππα [pronounced kappa] Symbol: κ
¨ Alderman Wan Peng & Alderman Niran presiding

In which house do you reside? What does Destiny have in store for you?? Await Part II of this message and the truth will be revealed.

The gauntlet has been thrown down, the challenge has been set! Our leader, Chief BG the IIIrd will preside over the Inter-House Games once the moon of November appears over the horizon, and the 25th day comes to be. The Gymnasia known as the Sports Arena on Jalan Usahawan II will host the battle of bodies and minds to discover the best of the best within this great city of ours. The winners will receive glory, prestige, top end sporting goods and most importantly, will adorn the colours of our great land and represent MDeC in the ultimate battle: the MOSTI inter-Agency games!

So waste not one second more. Start honing those skills and be prepared. Your Aldermen will preside over a congress of minds to democratically elect a House Captain. All house members must be in attendance for what are we without democracy?
Friday, 29 September 2006
3:00pm, MDeC Café


Your humble servant,


“The board is set... the pieces are moving”

KAPPA History: How it all began


Since this is the inaugural post, I thought I'd touch on how the "Houses" concept started in MDeC.

I was appointed the MDeC Sports Club Pro-Tem Committee President on 4 September 2006 during a meeting where all interested staff were invited. Of course more people showed up at the KAPPA Gala Awards Celebration last week, than at that meeting, but biasalah...

The Pro-Tem Committee met up with CEO the following week, when he outlined his vision for a cross divisional grouping where people could hang out and compete with others from all over the organization, thereby increasing interaction. We then decided that 4 houses were optimum, and worked with HCD for the pioneer house membership, which was divided first by gender, then rank. By mid September 2006, we ended up with four houses with equal numbers of guys vs gals, and equal number of higher ranks vs lower ranks (assumption being that the higher ranks were useless at sports and anything non-skema). And contrary to popular belief (at least among the members of houses that don't win too many championships) I DID NOT filter the list by athletic ability, artistic skills, aptitude for winning, resourcefulness or any other criteria and place all the best/cool people in MY house. Yeah, I had the time to interview 400 people within a week and book the good ones. Two words: SOUR GRAPES :)

Anyway, the Sports Club spent most of the following few weeks developing a Constitution and benchmarking other clubs (MIMOS, SHELL etc) because that was the direction given to us. In the meantime the house split was validated by HCD, we developed mailing lists, and started planning for the Inter House Games.

I knew that we needed to create some hype among the staff, and get people excited about being placed in Houses. So we developed a LOTR like write up and sent to ALLMDeC (pre Internalcomm days when anyone can send to all and choke up everyone's box). Full text of the teaser (Rising of the Houses Part 1) and the House Split email (Rising of the Houses Part 2) in the coming posts.

4 September 2006 - Pro Tem Committe election
27 September 2006 - Rising of the Houses Part 1 & 2 email. House membership made public for the first time.
29 September 2006 - Inaugural Rising of the Houses - Kappa at the Balcony, 3rd Floor. Ravee Suntheralingam elected 1st KAPPA KAPPITAN.
2 November 2006 - First KAPPA Party - Deepa-Raya Celebration. The atmosphere was kinda green (with envy). Rumah lain dah mula berbulu.
24 November 2006 - Eve of Inter House Games. Three games (Badminton, Pool, Table Tennis concluded. Kappa Hero Hindustan in 3rd spot with NO golds. No prizes on guessing which house was at the last place) Rumah lain mula perasan boleh menang.
25 November 2006 - Let the Games Begin - 4 outdoor and 8 indoor event. Champion without a doubt - KAPPA!!! The start of the KAPPA era! KAPPA haters crawling out of the woodworks.
3 March 2007 - MDeC Annual Dinner (MAD030307) - KAPPA KLEAN SWEEP - we won ALL 5 categories in contention. Kappitan Ravee led us on a victory lap around the ballroom. KAPPA envy solidifying.

So there you have it. Some Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah for all you Sharks. More details to follow.

The superb win we had during the recent games should not come as a surprise to anyone. Winning is in our genes :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Do I have anything stuck between my teeth?
Ada bende terselit kat celah gigi ke?


Can you feel it? There right there. The unmistakable feeling of total superiority that comes from being CHAMPS. Again! BACK TO BACK!

If you participated, you know what I’m talking about. That special KAPPA magic is still there; still going strong. Still driving the other houses crazy, ‘cause they know they are faced with an unstoppable force that is KAPPA. And their total dejection for having to suffer the KAPPA Kockiness for another year (or a couple, depending on when the MSRC rolls out another competition :)).

Even if you weren’t there last Thursday, just by association, you will now be held in a different regard by your non-Kappa brethren. Not necessarily in higher regard, but definitely different. But, hey, we R the CHAMPS so let’s agree that they’re just sore losers :P.

Seriously, I would like to say to each and every one of you who could make it last Thursday…... YOU DA BOMB! The sheer power of the KAPPA spirit hit the other teams like a tsunami, and the end result was never in doubt. Even though the Grand Chief CEO tried to rally the other teams by saying “It’s Mu, Epsilon and Delta against KAPPA” in his opening speech, it was all for nought.

I hope you had as much fun as I did. For sure, this shared experience will never be forgotten, and it can only make us stronger as a team, both for work and outside it. I am proud and humbled to have fought alongside each and every one of you, from the first march-in to the last moment where we stood side by side waiting for Grand Chief to officially announce us as the WINNERS. I saw in you the kind of fighting spirit that can only bring MDeC and MSC Malaysia to greater heights!

KAPPA went to WAR, and KAPPA brought back BOOTY! [Booty, Booty, Booty, Booty, Booty everywhere!!!] Actually Elderman Niran’s room is chock full of hampers that the various KAPPA teams won, and we’ll have to figure out a way to share the spoils somehow. So this is my suggestion:


Friday 8 May 2008


5:00 – 6:00pm

We will acknowledge each of the winning teams and players, and the team members will have first choice of whatever is in their hamper. If they are kind enough to share any of what’s left, we can all share2 in the makan2.

We will also present the award for the KAPPA Most Valuable Player (MVP) – the one person, without whom we could not have pulled this massive victory off. The guy or gal whom you saw on the battlefield, either getting things organized, cheering, or putting their bodies on the line to ensure KAPPA victory. To quote Elderman Niran: the one who best embodies the KAPPA spirit. This person will go home with some cold hard cash (thanks Eldermen J) and a totally awesome Shark “Animal House” Bottle Opener by Boston Warehouse. I will send you a link with the poll, and let’s give a deserving someone a great Award.

Speaking of Awards, here’s my personal KAPPA Honour Roll. This is of course non-exhaustive; there are countless other KAPPA heroes whom I have not mentioned. Please send me your own ideas and nominations, and we will acknowledge them during our ceremony on Friday.

The Most Spiritual Moment While Wearing Face Paint and a Golden Shark Fin Award:

Jimmy Reciting Opening Do’a

Best House Introduction While Under the Evil Eye of 300 Other People Award:

ALL KAPPA Marchers

The “Being in At Least Two Places at Once” Award for Organization and Planning:

Michelle Sta Maria, who was at the start of all games to be sure all our players were on time, while also badgering the judges to give KAPPA extra points.

The Leave-em-Standing-Still Most Dominating Win Award:

The KAPPA Giant Slipper Team - watch the video here

Most Authentic Hairy Primate Award:

Faizol doing Gorilla Walk.

Best Recovery of an Off-Course Flying Foot Accessory Award:

Adlin Majid in Slipper & Basket

Most Flamboyant X-Games Jump While Wearing a Sewn Up Sarong Award:

Ibrahim Maiga during Guni Walk.

Honourable Mention: William Leong

Most KAPPAliciously Awesome, Competition-Destroying Win-Celebration Award:

The KAPPA Guni Walk Team Winners Crawl

Most in Need of a Hug from Their Partner Award:

Salina and Mages in Can Passing, when they almost reached the finish line, but had to restart

Most Exciting, Prime-Time-TV-Worthy, Nail-Bitingly-Suspenseful Traditional Table Game Award:

Shukor winning the Tie-Breaker Final Congkak Game

The Speediest Makers of Leaf-Based Boilable Packaging for Rice Award:

Emma and Kamal, ketupat makers extraordinaire

The “You Say It Best When You Say Nothing At All” Pecah Lobang Award:

Siti Hajar, who jumped up in joy before the official announcement, when learning that KAPPA won.

Most Creative Use of Mildly Hallucigenic Chewable Leaves Award:

Hazel & Ziana in Sireh Junjung

The You’re my Cuppy Cake, Gumdrop, Snookums Bookums Award:

The KAPPA Cupcake Decoration Team

The Team Best Embodying a Rock and/or a State Capital Located in Southern Peninsular Malaysia:

The KAPPA Batu Seremban Team

The GreenPeace Award for Recycling and Reusing Waste Products to Make Loud Irritating Noise:

Andi Suswandi

The “David vs Goliath” Award:

55kg Adly Norji attempting to chase away a 2 tonne Delta member, before being swatted away like a fly.

The Best Bastardization of a Song by a National Laureate Seniman Negara Award:

Joint Winners: Andi Suswandi and Faizol Hardy for their versions of the Suey Song.

The Taking a Million Photographs, but None of Yourself, Selflessness Award:

Leong Wil Liam, KAPPA Photographer

The Librarian Award for Quietly and Productively Making Things Without Talking:

Chan Pei Ling

The Brands Chicken Essence Award for Promoting the Essence of the KAPPA Brand (albeit without the Chicken):

Fazlyn, mistress of flags and wrist bands.

Awards for Non-Kappa:

The “I Love to Squeeze Soft KAPPA Balls” Award:

Fuad of Epsilon

The GoodMaid Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Award:

The Delta Cleaners

The Most Intellectually Taxing Strategy to Win a Pointless Task Award [aka Skema Award]:

The Mu Roller Ball team

Your Kappitan,


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kappa Kode of Kondukt


For the Games tomorrow, ALL SHARKS will abide by the following:


a. Team captain: “THREE CHEERS FOR (Mu / Delta / Epsilon). Hip Hip
b. Team members: “Hooray”
c. Repeat Hip Hip Hooray 3 times

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kappa Kadence


These are sung while marching together, in a call and answer manner. You don’t have to remember anything, just repeat whatever the leader is singing.


Everywhere we go - oh
People wanna know - oh
Who we are
Where we come from
So we tell them
We are Kappa
Mighty Mighty Kappa
Rough - n - tough Kappa
Straight shooting Kappa


Everywhere that we all go
Everybody wants to know
Who them guys and gals so fine
Kickin our ass all the time

Kappa Sharks
Oi Kappa Mau


Ada haiwan dalam bahaya
Cuba lihat disana


Jangan Takut Jangan Bimbang
KAPPA Yang Kuat dah Datang
Membantu anak haiwan lemah
Yang menangis bila kalah

Kappa Sharks
Oi Kappa Mau

Apa yang penting? – KERJASAMA!


Me and Superman got in a fight
I hit him in the head with some Kryptonite
I hit him so hard I busted his brain
And now I'm dating Lois Lane

Well, me and Batman, we had one too
I hit him in the head with my left shoe
Right in the temple with my left heel
And now I'm driving the Batmobile

Kappa Sharks
Oi Kappa Mau