Do I have anything stuck between my teeth?Ada bende terselit kat celah gigi ke?
Can you feel it? There right there. The unmistakable feeling of total superiority that comes from being CHAMPS. Again! BACK TO BACK!
If you participated, you know what I’m talking about. That special KAPPA magic is still there; still going strong. Still driving the other houses crazy, ‘cause they know they are faced with an unstoppable force that is KAPPA. And their total dejection for having to suffer the KAPPA Kockiness for another year (or a couple, depending on when the MSRC rolls out another competition :)).
Even if you weren’t there last Thursday, just by association, you will now be held in a different regard by your non-Kappa brethren. Not necessarily in higher regard, but definitely different. But, hey, we R the CHAMPS so let’s agree that they’re just sore losers :P.
Seriously, I would like to say to each and every one of you who could make it last Thursday…... YOU DA BOMB! The sheer power of the KAPPA spirit hit the other teams like a tsunami, and the end result was never in doubt. Even though the Grand Chief CEO tried to rally the other teams by saying “It’s Mu, Epsilon and Delta against KAPPA” in his opening speech, it was all for nought.
I hope you had as much fun as I did. For sure, this shared experience will never be forgotten, and it can only make us stronger as a team, both for work and outside it. I am proud and humbled to have fought alongside each and every one of you, from the first march-in to the last moment where we stood side by side waiting for Grand Chief to officially announce us as the WINNERS. I saw in you the kind of fighting spirit that can only bring MDeC and MSC Malaysia to greater heights!
KAPPA went to WAR, and KAPPA brought back BOOTY! [Booty, Booty, Booty, Booty, Booty everywhere!!!] Actually Elderman Niran’s room is chock full of hampers that the various KAPPA teams won, and we’ll have to figure out a way to share the spoils somehow. So this is my suggestion:
Friday 8 May 2008
5:00 – 6:00pm
We will acknowledge each of the winning teams and players, and the team members will have first choice of whatever is in their hamper. If they are kind enough to share any of what’s left, we can all share2 in the makan2.
We will also present the award for the KAPPA Most Valuable Player (MVP) – the one person, without whom we could not have pulled this massive victory off. The guy or gal whom you saw on the battlefield, either getting things organized, cheering, or putting their bodies on the line to ensure KAPPA victory. To quote Elderman Niran: the one who best embodies the KAPPA spirit. This person will go home with some cold hard cash (thanks Eldermen J) and a totally awesome Shark “Animal House” Bottle Opener by Boston Warehouse. I will send you a link with the poll, and let’s give a deserving someone a great Award.
Speaking of Awards, here’s my personal KAPPA Honour Roll. This is of course non-exhaustive; there are countless other KAPPA heroes whom I have not mentioned. Please send me your own ideas and nominations, and we will acknowledge them during our ceremony on Friday.
The Most Spiritual Moment While Wearing Face Paint and a Golden Shark Fin Award:
Jimmy Reciting Opening Do’a
Best House Introduction While Under the Evil Eye of 300 Other People Award:
ALL KAPPA Marchers
The “Being in At Least Two Places at Once” Award for Organization and Planning:
Michelle Sta Maria, who was at the start of all games to be sure all our players were on time, while also badgering the judges to give KAPPA extra points.
The Leave-em-Standing-Still Most Dominating Win Award:
The KAPPA Giant Slipper Team - watch the video here
Most Authentic Hairy Primate Award:
Faizol doing Gorilla Walk.
Best Recovery of an Off-Course Flying Foot Accessory Award:
Adlin Majid in Slipper & Basket
Most Flamboyant X-Games Jump While Wearing a Sewn Up Sarong Award:
Ibrahim Maiga during Guni Walk.
Honourable Mention: William Leong
Most KAPPAliciously Awesome, Competition-Destroying Win-Celebration Award:
The KAPPA Guni Walk Team Winners Crawl
Most in Need of a Hug from Their Partner Award:
Salina and Mages in Can Passing, when they almost reached the finish line, but had to restart
Most Exciting, Prime-Time-TV-Worthy, Nail-Bitingly-Suspenseful Traditional Table Game Award:
Shukor winning the Tie-Breaker Final Congkak Game
The Speediest Makers of Leaf-Based Boilable Packaging for Rice Award:
Emma and Kamal, ketupat makers extraordinaire
The “You Say It Best When You Say Nothing At All” Pecah Lobang Award:
Siti Hajar, who jumped up in joy before the official announcement, when learning that KAPPA won.
Most Creative Use of Mildly Hallucigenic Chewable Leaves Award:
Hazel & Ziana in Sireh Junjung
The You’re my Cuppy Cake, Gumdrop, Snookums Bookums Award:
The KAPPA Cupcake Decoration Team
The Team Best Embodying a Rock and/or a State Capital Located in Southern Peninsular Malaysia:
The KAPPA Batu Seremban Team
The GreenPeace Award for Recycling and Reusing Waste Products to Make Loud Irritating Noise:
Andi Suswandi
The “David vs Goliath” Award:
55kg Adly Norji attempting to chase away a 2 tonne Delta member, before being swatted away like a fly.
The Best Bastardization of a Song by a National Laureate Seniman Negara Award:
Joint Winners: Andi Suswandi and Faizol Hardy for their versions of the Suey Song.
The Taking a Million Photographs, but None of Yourself, Selflessness Award:
Leong Wil Liam, KAPPA Photographer
The Librarian Award for Quietly and Productively Making Things Without Talking:
Chan Pei Ling
The Brands Chicken Essence Award for Promoting the Essence of the KAPPA Brand (albeit without the Chicken):
Fazlyn, mistress of flags and wrist bands.
Awards for Non-Kappa:
The “I Love to Squeeze Soft KAPPA Balls” Award:
Fuad of Epsilon
The GoodMaid Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Award:
The Delta Cleaners
The Most Intellectually Taxing Strategy to Win a Pointless Task Award [aka Skema Award]:
The Mu Roller Ball team
Your Kappitan,